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Soulful by Design and hAmoves Eurythmy.
Soulful By Design, presents…
Dynamic Name™ Mandala:
Exploring Relationships through Harmonious Movement
A weekend retreat with Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger
October 14-16, 2016
Your name holds a key to who you are and a secret to your purpose in this lifetime. Uncover the astrology hidden in your name and its immense potential for self-inquiry, relationships, conflict resolution, and team building. Connect deeper with yourself, the spiritual world, and with each other.
Move your song, feel your Soul. Dance your name, know thyself!
Explore the dynamics of relating through harmonious movement art of eurythmy. Discover how to untangle conflicts into awareness and understanding. Transform the flow of energy into conscious kinesthetic perception in the body, a valuable tool for harmonious relationships.
October 14-16, 2016 (7 pm on Friday – 2 pm on Sunday)
Soulful by Design retreat on the outskirts of Kingston, Ontario, Canada
1395 Norway Road , Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0
Investment: $359 CDN
(includes shared accommodations, meals & snacks)
Space is limited to 10 people. Register early.
Immerse yourself in inner explorations and experience the fascinating unity of a circle of people moving harmoniously, while surrounded by the beautiful Canadian autumnal atmosphere and the healing environment of Soulful by Design, a private retreat located just 20 min north of Kingston. We’ll emerge relaxed, refreshed, and recharged to continue manifesting our unique mission in this lifetime. And you’ll also receive some wonderful bonus gifts!
Open to all adults who can walk. No prior movement experience is needed.
Restrictions: Pregnant women are advised not to move eurythmy because their life forces are needed for development of the child they carry.

Exploring Relationships through Harmonious Movement
Why is it that we fall in love, instead of standing lovingly in union with the other person? We’ll explore the flow of energy in relationships with ourselves, spiritual world, and with each other through individual and merging triangles, and the harmonious movement mediation I-A-O (pronounced as “ee-ah-oh”). The I-A-O is the first eurythmy exercise, given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912, and from Hawaiian shamanism, we learn that ‘IAO is the sacred name for the Infinite Light, the Light of the World.
What song is embedded in your Soul? Tune yourself into the vibrations of the vowels in your name, a gift from the planets. Invite the sounds and colors of the celestial bodies to help you create harmonious inner chambers.
What is the dance of your life? Find the movement that the stars have given you through the consonants in your name. Discover your celestial path in the safety of the Zodiac circle.
How do you stay true to yourself while honoring the integrity of others? What happens when two or more people move their own name pattern within the same circle at the same time? When do I need to wait or move quicker? Explore the dynamics of relating in couples and groups through harmonious movement art of eurythmy. Discover how to untangle conflicts into awareness and understanding.
Transform the flow of energy into conscious kinesthetic perception in the body, a valuable tool for harmonious relationships.
Immerse yourself in inner explorations while surrounded by healing environment of the Soulful by Design private retreat in the beautiful Canadian autumnal atmosphere.
Connect deeper with yourself, the spiritual world and with each other.
- Experience the fascinating unity of a circle of people moving harmoniously
- Soften and replenish your etheric forces (chi energy field) with gentle eurythmy exercises
- Step into the wisdom of individual and merging triangles with inspiring poetry
- Color the seven-pointed star of eurythmy esoteric vowels in the planetary circle, and the twelve-pointed star of the eurythmy esoteric consonants in the Zodiac circle
- Draw your individual path based on the vowels and consonants in our names
- Move the planetary and Zodiac wheels as a group with inspiring poetry
- Explore your own pattern individually, in couples, and in groups
- Practice being aware not just of yourself but also of the other people and their path
- Emerge relaxed, refreshed, recharged to continue manifesting our unique mission in your lifetime
And receive wonderful bonus gifts:
- Three harmonious movement exercises (I-A-O movement meditation, Esoteric Vowels Meditation, Esoteric Consonants Meditation)
- 20-min free one-on-one consultation with Marta for additional interpretation of your Dynamic Name™ Mandala
- 20 % discount on the printed version of Soulful Sparks Calendar 2017, a companion for the Soul journey through the year, inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul
What to Bring:
For the Workshop:
- Journal, drawing pad, colored pencils
- Clothing – please wear loose fitting clothes with long-sleeved tops and long loose pants or skirts. The tops should allow you to freely move arms all the way up, and still cover your belly area.
- Footwear – barefoot indoors and soft shoes outdoors.
For your weekend comfort:
- Personal toiletries/medications; no heavy scents please…
- Light jacket/walking shoes appropriate for expected weather conditions
- Personal Towel(s), washcloth
- Bed linens are provided however, you may wish to bring your own pillow(s) and/or sleeping bag for added comfort
- Sunscreen/bug spray
- Bathing suit and/or housecoat/towel for hot tub
- Personal water bottle
About Soulful by Design Private Retreat
Soulful by Design, created by Evelyn Sideen, is a safe and fun-filled environment where everyone can relax and welcome their true selves. This healing private retreat is located 20 min north of Kingston, Ontario, about 2-3 hours from Ottawa and Toronto, and just across the U.S. border, a driving distance from Watertown, NY, and Syracuse, NY. Address: 1395 Norway Road , Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. For directions, visit Soulful by Design contact page by clicking on the Contact Evelyn button bellow.
About the Harmonious Movement Art of Eurythmy
People often ask: “Why would one do this particular movement art?” Let me share with you a short list of the benefits that I’ve personally experienced in myself and others:
– Balance your thoughts, feelings, actions
– Harmonize all dimensions of your earthly existence
– Cultivate spatial and kinesthetic awareness
– Enhance your capacity for creative problem-solving
– Experience the soothing unity of people moving together
– Nourish your life forces for increased well-being
– Increase your overall grace and flow
– Elevate your vibrations to feel peaceful
– Relax and dissolve stress
Eurythmy is a performance art, pedagogical tool, movement therapy, social art, spiritual practice. It harmoniously blends movement meditation, social yoga, social tai chi, sacred dance, sacred geometry, esoteric astrology, spatial and kinesthetic awareness, poetry appreciation, musical sensibility, to name just a few ingredients. Rudolf Steiner, who developed eurythmy in the 1910s and 1920s, created a rich set of tools that allow us to make speech and music visible in space, to transform the inner activity into conscious harmonious movement.
About Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, MA
Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, MA, is a spiritual researcher, eurythmist, linguist, blogger. While drawn to ponder deeper meanings of existence her whole life, Marta has also explored artistic expressions in movement and language, and engaged in academic studies (women studies through the lens of history and sociology). Her inquires led her from her native Slovenia to Paris and New York.
She is a eurythmist (harmonious movement artist), trained at Eurythmy Spring Valley, NY, with a background in modern dance. She holds a Certificate of Dance from Alvin Ailey American Dance Center, NYC, has studied at Martha Graham Dance Center, NYC, and with Bessie Schonberg, NYC. Marta has taught movement, performed, and lectured in Slovenia, Europe, and the U.S. since 1989.
Marta is open to all spiritual traditions and has explored several of them, but focuses on Western esoteric wisdom. Hence, her interest in the Rudolf Steiner’s work, especially the harmonious movement art of eurythmy and Calendar of the Soul. Her weekly blog Soulful Sparks of Inspiration is featured weekly on the Huffington Post, the U.S. Edition.
“It was amazing, I felt a connection. As if it was meant for me to attend. Yes, I want to be part of Marta’s events.”
“Eurythmy uses musical tones, poetry, astrology, and color; dancers move harmoniously and powerfully in intricate patterns. It’s as simple as it is complex, a mind expanding heartfelt experience that makes you connect. Marta’s passionate instructions carries you safely through. I was amazed how serene and invigorated I felt after moving in unity with everyone.”

We are looking forward to a wonderful autumn weekend with you.

Text ©Marta Stemberger & hAmoves Eurythmy.
Images ©Evelyn Sideen & Soulful by Design, and ©Philip A. Smith & hAmoves Eurythmy.
All rights reserved.
No material on this website may re-used without the explicit written permission by the owners.
For more info, contact Marta Stemberger.